Category: Google

Google's self-driving car

Living With a Self-driving Car [Video]

What’s it like to carry out your life in a self-driving car? A Google video crew rode along with one of Google’s early testers, to document what it’s like. Watch a Google employee get groceries, and more (it’s more interesting than you think). Also about [secret] Google Technology Learn about Project Loon (Videos). Learn about Google’s ambitious effort to blanket the world in Wifi....

The new 7 inch Project Tango tablet with 3D mapping technology

Meet The Google Lab That Is Changing Mobile

Right now, we live in two worlds. We have our digital world, with photos, messages, and news, and our physical world, with things like food, cars, and exercise equipment, and washing machines. The past decade has been about expanding our digital world, and making it more capable. The next decade will be about combining our digital and physical worlds. We’ve seen this shift in...

acer chromebook deal photo

Pick Up a Chromebook for $130!

I like Chrome OS. It’s simple, and great for browsing the web on the go. Unfortunately, at $200+, it’s impractical as a primary computer (a Google employee I spoke to, agreed with me, by the way). But for a short time, Groupon is selling Chromebooks at a very reasonable price! The 11.6 inch Acer Chromebook is on sale for $130, or about the price...

[Quiz] Real Google Acquisition, or Fictional Company?

A lot of the companies that Google acquires sound a bit…fake. I mean, half of them sound like an evil corporation from a Marvel comic. But can you tell the difference between big, Google-acquired companies, and fictional companies from famous movies? That’s the challenge in our new quiz. Give it a try with our new quiz. [playbuzz-game game=””] Sign up for our weekly newsletter,...

moto 360 smart watch wearable

Google’s Sexy Smart-watches Make Me Mad

This week, Google released a new platform for smartwatches, and I am livid. No, I’m not upset at Google.  The new platform, known as Android Wear, looks to be the best system yet for smartwatches. The first devices announced on the platform, the Moto 360 (from Motorola), and the LG G, both look absolutely beautiful. No, what I’m upset about, is that I just...