Category: app store

The Best Quiz Game on the App Store?

Hey folks. Today I’ve got a recommendation for a really cool game you’ll love. It’s called “Logos Quiz Game” and it’s probably the best quiz game on the app store. “Logos” shows you parts of logos and asks you to guess the brand. Points are awarded based on time, tries to get, and some other factors. For those brands you can’t remember, you can...

Review: Snapchat- Fun Social Photosharing App– or something more Devious?

Today I’m showcasing a strange free app someone showed me. Voice chatting, video chatting, and texting are all in the mainstream now with apps like Skype, iMessage, Facetime, and the thousands of other social apps. But what other communications mediums are still untapped? How about photo-chatting? Yes, I’m talking about communicating with photos. A friend showed me an app the other day called Snapchat,...

Review: The MOST Open Game on the iphone- Dooors For IOS

Hello everybody. Today I bring you a game with perhaps the most simple concept known to man. Opening a door. That is the literal premise of Dooors [Doors] (Free!). Sound boring just opening doors? The trick to Dooors that makes it such an astounding game is that each door requires a trick to open. You have to move things to find keys and knobs...

Reader submission: Cyberkill

Today’s app review came to my iphone at the recommendation of a reader. If you would like an app reviewed, there’s a tab for that. Look in the menu bar on our site and you will see it.  So, on to the app. The App is called Cyberkill and is available for free on the App store. Warning though, there is an ad on the bottom,...

Hubba Hubba- Reviewed

Do you miss the gilded age of big beards, and funny hats? Do you like to dress up your photos? Are you a human with a smartphone? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will like Hubba Hubba (Free) for iphone. Hubba Hubba is a fun little photo app that allows you to dress up your photos with hats, beards, glasses,...