This Is Ello’s Plan For Improvement

Many people have noticed something about Ello. There’s not much you can actually do on the site, despite its unnecessary complications. Well, that is going to change. Here are some important features that Ello is currently building, which will help them in their effort to catch up to facebook.

Love/Love Bookmarks

Youtube. Facebook. Twitter. Myspace. What can you do on every social network? Express that you like something with one click. To compete with Facebook’s like button, Ello will soon release a “Love” button, and a stream of “loves”.


Facebook calls it sharing. Twitter calls it retweeting. Tumblr calls it reblogging. On Ello, it will be “reposting with attribution”. The ability to repost someone’s status to your followers, while tagging them for attribution, is on the way.

Ello Say Ello button for social network

Sound, Video, And More Photo features

You will soon be able to post comments with photos, as you can do on Facebook. Youtube videos, vimeo videos, Soundcloud sounds, and other rich media will soon be playable directly from your Ello feed.


Another feature that Ello needs, in order to catch up with facebook is private user-to-user chat. According to their feature list, it’s on the way.

(God willing) some User Experience Updates

As you may have noticed, Ello’s user experience is terrible. There are a lot of bugs, poor design choices, and stupid idiosyncrasies that they will hopefully rectify soon.

Tweet Your Favorite New Feature, or Tag Me on Ello (@Sit)


Michael Sitver

Michael Sitver is a technology insider who has been blogging about technology since 2011. Along the way, he's interviewed founders of innovative startups, and executives from fortune 500 companies, and he's tried dozens or hundreds of gadgets. Michael has also contributed to works featured in Newsday, The San Francisco Chronicle, and the associated press. Michael also occasionally consults, and writes for Seeking Alpha and Yahoo News.

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