Monthly Archive: March 2013

mailtab pro menu bar

Mailtab Pro for Gmail Review: Mac apps

Apple’s mail is sufficient for answering and reading emails, but it can be a bit annoying with popups, notifications, and the like. When I went looking for an alternative mac email client, I came across Mailtab Pro for Gmail for mac, available from the Mac app store for $2, and I was thrilled with its’ simplicity and utility. Design Mailtab Pro for Gmail is a...

(video) Leap Motion And Hologram = Incredible

We already reviewed the Leap Motion 3D sensor here, but this video is just incredible. By hooking up a 3D space control system to a simulated hologram, these developers have created a globe that’s manipulable in 3D space and viewable from all angles. Pretty incredible right? In the words of the ever-popular Macklemore, this is fucking awesome.

34 Blogging and Webmaster Resources

There are a ton of startups out there to help you with your business, or blog. Here’s a giant list of services that may interest you. Aweber: Popular Email marketing Solution Mailchimp: Also popular Email Marketing Solution- generous free plan Mixrank: “Spy” on your competitor’s marketing with this cool analytical app. Google Analytics: Professional Site Metrics program. completely free Lighthouse: issue tracking software Launchrock:...

Apple Rumors 2013: What’s Coming?

There’s a lot on the block for Apple 2013…at least according to the rumor gods. So what can we expect? Here are nine things we expect out of Cupertino in 2013. Retina Macbook Air: Likelihood: 60-70%. Lately, Cupertino has been rapping everything in a retina display, their super-high-definition, high density displays. The full-sized iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and Macbook Pro line all have retina displays....

How To Post a Blank Facebook Comment

We recently wrote a tutorial for posting blank facebook status updates, and everyone wanted to know “How can I post a blank comment?”. So, now we’re doing a followup tutorial on that. Unlike the status update, Facebook doesn’t directly allow blank comments, so we have to use a little workaround. Right now this is only for PCs, but we’ll update this as soon as...