Nick Offerman’s Hand-crafted Emojis Will Make Your Day

Nick Offerman is famous for his portrayal of the manly Ron Swanson on NBC’s “Parks and Recreation”, but he’s also an incredible wood-worker. He used his wood-working skills to produce this ridiculous infomercial for Conan O’Brien, featuring real, hand-crafted emojis.

The emojis are made of solid wood, weigh several pounds each, and cost $30 a piece. It is a great reminder of how little some of the things we do digitally make sense in the physical world, but it’s also just a great way to end your week. Enjoy!

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Michael Sitver

Michael Sitver is a technology insider who has been blogging about technology since 2011. Along the way, he's interviewed founders of innovative startups, and executives from fortune 500 companies, and he's tried dozens or hundreds of gadgets. Michael has also contributed to works featured in Newsday, The San Francisco Chronicle, and the associated press. Michael also occasionally consults, and writes for Seeking Alpha and Yahoo News.

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