The App Store Chronicle

Our New Look: Why Our Next Design Will Be Running on The Genesis Framework

Sometime this week we will unveil our brand new design, and it’s a big improvement. As a tech blogger, I’m naturally inclined to put a thought into any technological decision I make, and this design was no exception. Despite the thousands of free themes out there, I chose to shell out a good amount to run on the Genesis Framework, and here’s why.

The Genesis Framework is built by some of the best designers and coders in the industry, so the designs they make are more customizable, and have cleaner code. What does this mean? It means a better looking site, faster load times for you, and a more secure website. It’s supposedly also better for Search Engine Optimization, although that was a smaller factor in my decision.

Some big bloggers use themes by Studiopress (a related company) running on genesis, including Darren Rowse of Problogger and DPS, Geakbeat, and even the founder of WordPress recommends it. Hopefully I can one day achieve the success that those guys have had.