The App Store Chronicle

How To Have Full Control over Who Sees Your Facebook Posts

Facebook is a great way to share with your friends, but some things you only want to share with a few friends. There are a few ways to do that, and here’s how.

Create A Group

For friends you talk with frequently. Basically a Facebook wall that only you and they can see. Set it as a super-secret group for the most privacy.

Send a message

Seems like a strangely obvious solution, but chats really do work great for best friends, couples, groups etc. to stay in touch.

Set exactly who you want to see your posts

On any regular post, photo, or video you create, you can set things to display or not display for only certain people using custom settings. It’s really simple to do, too.
Start by clicking on the “friends” area next to the post button. On the list that pops up, click custom.

 From here you can select specific people that can see it, hide it from specific people (i.e. the person you don’t want to see that embarrassing photo) and control who sees your data. Enjoy.

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