The App Store Chronicle

Android? Fragmented?…Nah

the 400 devices laid out on a table required to develop one android application
400 devices to test 1 Android App
I saw this on COM. Animoca, a developer of android applications is forced to test their application on 400+ devices just to make sure it works. With literally hundreds (see list linked) of different android devices, I can see how it might be a challenge to develop an app that works on all of them. There are phones, tablets, phablets (combos), and even laptop-like devices that run android OS. I understand the “We don’t want one dominant manufacturer” and “We want a device just the right size for us” mentality, but I’m pretty sure android has the same number of different devices as users right now. It’s literally ridiculous how fragmented it is. There is no denying how easy iOS is. Let’s see: Develop an app that works on 400 different devices- Develop an app that works on two different devices. I’m pretty sure the developer of an iOS app can develop another app in the time it takes to test an android app.

iOS makes it easy
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