The App Store Chronicle

Guest Posting- How It’s Done

We love all the help we can get, and we gladly accept guest posts. The process is pretty simple, but there’s a few things that you should know.

What You Should Know:

Posts should be at least 200 words. That is the bare minimum. Best practices are for them to be 320 words or more. We ask that you provide 100% original content and each post will be checked against copyscape.

We appreciate guest posts a lot, and in return we are happy to give a little bit. Author Bios are generally allowed, but we do ask that you avoid links other than one to your blog and one to your website. These should be websites that you own or regularly write for. This is to prevent the spam that often comes in Bios.

How It’s Done: How To Guest Post on The App Store Chronicle

  1. Email us with your request. As soon as we see your request, we’ll send you an invitation to create a contributor account. We’ll also email you with any necessary followup (i.e You want to discuss article topic).
  2. Create your account by clicking on the invitation and following the steps.
  3. Write your article. You’ll be writing on a standard WordPress visual editor, so it’s pretty simple to write, add images, links, and polls.  Email us if you have any questions.
  4. Proofread it. We’d rather not make edits, and articles with too many errors can not be published.
  5. Add Categories and tags using the sidebars in the editor.
  6. Submit your article for review using the (probably blue) button.
  7. We’ll email you when it is published. Share it with all of your friends. Link to it on your website. Thanks for participating. It’s that easy