A reader has found a coupon code entitling buyers to one free lightning cable from Verizon Wireless. I tested it, and the cable was indeed free, including shipping! You don’t need to be a Verizon customer, or buy anything. Here’s how to redeem it. Do it fast, because I don’t know how long this will work for.
1. Tweet This Deal
2. Head to This Page on Verizon’s website
3. “Add to cart”
4. “Check out”
5. Check Out As a guest, to save time
6. Enter shipping information
7. Enter a credit or debit card.
This won’t be charged, but since they don’t normally give away free stuff, they require a card.
8. Enter promo code “4acc2014308”
9. Make sure the coupon is applied correctly.
Your total should be $0.00
10. Confirm your “purchase”, and enjoy your free cable!
11. Follow us for more great deals, and tech news.
UPDATE: This is just a possibility, but we may have forced Verizon Wireless to remove the coupon box from their entire store! Crazy! That’s why the discount may not be working right now.