The App Store Chronicle

This is Probably The Coolest Rocket Video In History

The Grasshopper Rocket in a sustained hover

I watch too many Youtube videos. Of the 10,000+, maybe 1% is worth watching, and this video of a UFO-like hovering rocket by Elon Musk’s Spacex, set to the perfect song, “Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash.

What’s So Cool About the grasshopper rocket?

The Grasshopper is a reusable rocket. In this video, they test its’ landing features. The grasshopper can take off with all the fire and noise that accompanies a typical rocket, stop and hover mid-air like a helicopter, and land precisely where it’s supposed to, upright and vertical, and ready for another launch (or close). A 10 story rocket with the precision and grace of a dancer.

Even the space shuttle’s massive boosters fell away into the ocean, requiring a recovery. This rocket lands as intact as a hellicopter, with amazing control. The hover and the landing also make it kind-of UFO like! Check out the Grasshopper test video below, and leave a link in the comments if you know of anything cooler than this.