The App Store Chronicle

How To Post a Blank Facebook Comment

We recently wrote a tutorial for posting blank facebook status updates, and everyone wanted to know “How can I post a blank comment?”. So, now we’re doing a followup tutorial on that.

Unlike the status update, Facebook doesn’t directly allow blank comments, so we have to use a little workaround. Right now this is only for PCs, but we’ll update this as soon as we have a Mac solution.

What we’re going to do is essentially create a blank character not classified as a space, which allows you to hit send without any words.

Steps to the facebook comment space:

  1. Find a place you’d like to comment.
  2. Press the num lock button on your keyboard. It’s normally in the upper left-hand corner of your num pad.
  3. Hold down your computer’s alt key, and listen closely on this next step.
  4. While holding the alt key, type in the number 0173 using your num pad. If you use the regular numbers, IT WON’T WORK. So do it right.
  5. Hit enter, submit your comment, and you’ve got a completely white comment. You can add as many lines as you’d like by simply repeating the steps with a combo shift-enter in between to add lines.

Enjoy responsibly. Speaking of comments, leave a comment below this post. And help us out by sharing this with all your friends, or at least liking/tweeting this.