The App Store Chronicle

Tales of Caring Sandy Hook Principal Who Lost Life Told Through Social Media

Today the Sandy Hook tragedy shocked the world just less than twenty miles from where I write this post, and we’re starting to get a picture of some of the wonderful people whose lives were so tragically taken. One of those people was the Newtown Elementary School’s principal Dawn Hochsprung, an active tweeter on education. Just look at what her tweets revealed about how much she cared. It’s so sad. If you want to help the families, there are various local charities you can donate to which the Huffington Post wrote about earlier.

Sandy Hook Teachers Meet To Discuss Technology in the Classroom- iPads- Stuff we've talked about quite often on this blog- photo by the principal- Very Sad

Sandy Hook Teachers Meet To Discuss Technology in the Classroom- iPads- Stuff we’ve talked about quite often on this blog- photo by the principal- Very Sad

To anyone who has any doubts about this woman’s commitment to her job (if there are any) look at her tweet below. She loved these kids, and she would have done anything for them. This is the photo which made me cry for her, but the next made me cry for those students.

Tweets by the School’s Principal paint a picture of a woman who really did love working with children

This was the saddest photo I’ve seen in the entire incident. There are no bleeding children or crying parents. Everyone is jubilent and celebratory, and this is just a few days earlier. It kills me to see the innocence that was disturbed by that horrible man. Just one more connection to social media- I saw the killer’s facebook page earlier today.  In this age, anyone can go and analyze things he “likes” and posts, but we still understand nothing more of what causes these people to go on these devastating rampages. My prayers go out to everyone involved.

This was the saddest of the Sandy Hook Photos for me because it shows the innocence at the school only days earlier. This is a true tragedy.