The App Store Chronicle

This Blog is Powered By T-Discs (and COFFEE!)

Instant coffee used to mean disgusting powders, and poorly mixed, weird tasting coffee. Not these days. Thanks to technology, and newly developed coffee machines, we now have machines that can make decent coffee of all varieties in about a minute.

I mentioned T-Discs because I use a Tassimo coffee machine, but it’s not even that specific. Whether you use Tassimo’s disk system, or Keurig’s K- Cup system, you’ve got super-fast, super-easy decent coffee within reach. It requires no effort, yet it provides the perfect dosage of caffeine. My favorite blend is the 15% Kona. Honestly, I couldn’t write this blog without coffee some days.

And so I finish my coffee-inspired, coffee-powered rant by saying, coffee is a tool which must be carefully controlled, but it is an extremely effective tool in getting stuff done, and new coffee machines make it so much easier. (End of coffee rant). And yes, this does have to do with technology. These machines are extremely complex with built in sensors and bar-code readers to make the perfect cup. This is new technology, and it’s awesome. (OK, now it’s the end).