The App Store Chronicle

iOS 6 is…boooring!

I’d like to say that iOS 6 is revolutionary, but unless you have an iphone 4S, new ipad or ipod touch, or iphone 5, it’s not. For the iphone 4, it seems to have lost more than it gained.

 Some nice new features include the updated stores, and Do Not Disturb which handily controls your calls, sound and privacy. Speaking of privacy, there is now a whole dedicated menu area for privacy. Invading your own privacy is particularly easy with the new tweet button in the message center.

 Still, the exciting Passbook app does not yet work. The new maps app stinks in comparison to google maps. The built- in Youtube app is gone. There are really a lot of absences.

 In the end, 3rd Party apps can fill the holes and eventually Passbook will work and the update will be nice for what it is (incremental). Still, right now there’s not as much new-release excitement as usual.

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