The App Store Chronicle

An App that (actually) Knows The Weather

Do you frequently go outdoors? Is the weather in your area extremely unpredictable? If the answer is yes, I have an app for you. The app is called Dark Sky, and it’s literally been 98% accurate.

Dark sky is fantastic. It provides highly accurate forecasts and interactive radar for just about anywhere in the US (I haven’t tried the rest of the world). It even alerts me when it’s going to rain, and how hard.  I’ve tested it for several weeks (with plenty of rain) and it has worked perfectly, predicting the start and end of a storm to within two minutes accuracy at times. I don’t know how they do it

Of course with the good comes the bad. The radar only has a five hour span. The app costs a whopping  $4. But the radar feature which allows minute by minute explanation down to the town level, and the brilliant alert system make it well worth it.

This app is by far the best weather app I’ve ever used (out of 15+) and will likely make our best of list this year. Definitely worth a buy.

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