The App Store Chronicle

Apps- Improving lives or Making us Lazier?

I read an article in The Wall Street Journal about how web and mobile apps are making us lazy. But is the goal of technology not to make our lives easier? Is this not the ultimate goal?

The article uses a few specific examples of apps which allow us to goof of but they aren’t saving work so much as passing the buck. One app listed is an app called Exec (ios Free) which allows you to hire someone to do tasks for you in the San Francisco bay area, but this is not a new idea at all. This is just making the idea of a personal assistant more available to people by offering it on demand.

I see these apps as a positive. They connect people with money to spend with people who might otherwise not have jobs and they allow the customers to focus on what they want to focus on. Individual services such as executive assistants and personal shopping were once only available to the very-rich but these applications open it up to the masses while creating jobs.

So to whomever complains that technology is eliminating jobs (which it is I admit in several cases), technology takes, but it does give back, and once all is said and done I think we will be better off from new technology.

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