The App Store Chronicle

60 Day No-Email Challenge Day 41 Update

Well, it’s been 41 days now without email. To be honest, I answered one email three weeks ago to a company I needed to respond to on an urgent matter. Other than that I’ve been good.

 As I wrote about a few days ago, I spent 8 days with 0 technology whatsoever this week. The only battery powered item I possessed was a flashlight. It was awesome.

 I connected with nature in the middle of nowhere. I saw several bald eagles, as beautiful as you can imagine, and I saw a moose. The moose was one giant piece of muscle. It was awesome.

Do you regularly disconnect? If not, definitely give it a try. Go camping or hiking or canoeing and just go off the grid for a few days. Enjoy the world around you and not just the virtual world. Turn off the minecraft for a week and just relax outside. Here in the US it’s summer, and the weather is beautiful. Rain is very rare and there’s not a cloud in the sky. It’s literally the perfect time to get outside and relax. I’m telling y’all that you MUST try this.

Good day.

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