The App Store Chronicle

The Unintentional Celebrity Hacker

Not sure if you guys have seen this but you must check this out. This guy named Chris Chackney gave a tell-all interview on his fascinating story. He had absolutely no programming abilities or education, but using perseverance and his head he hacked into several celebrity email accounts. The story in GQ tells of someone who only wanted to show himself that he could do it, but ended up in prison and infamous.

His hobby grew from a small one, to a dangerously large addiction and in the end it led to his current situation:

One night, he finally gave in to the temptation to talk. “I let my curiosity—and I think my marijuana—get the best of me,” he recalls. A well-known actor had sent a wish-you-were-here photo of a European mountainside to an actress. Stoned and feeling uninhibited, Chaney logged in to the actress’s e-mail against his better judgment and sent a reply saying how fantastic the view looked. He shuddered the moment he hit send. “I was like, ‘You’re a fucking idiot for doing this,’ ” he says.

But the screwups, or the impulse to share, didn’t go away. While perusing the e-mail of celebrity stylist Simone Harouche in early November 2010, he stumbled across photos of her client Christina Agui-lera trying on outfits in a dressing room, wearing little more than silver pasties. Chaney found a random guy on a celebrity message board and sent him an e-mail telling him he knew “someone” who had hacked pictures of Aguilera. Did he want to check them out?”

So Check it out on GQ Today

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