The App Store Chronicle

Facebook’s New HQ Reaffirms Hacker culture

Mashable released images of Facebook’s new headquarters, and as expected it says a lot about their hacker subculture which they have somehow maintained. Throughout all of this growth, Facebook has stayed counter-culture. They are impressively tearing apart our images of what corporate America should be.

 For starters, there are no corner offices. Even for the CEO. As a matter of fact, there are NO OFFICES at all. None. Everybody, including the CEO, CFO, and CTO all work in large open spaces with open cubes of workspace. Do you not like the look of a white wall at Facebook? Don’t worry. Employees are ENCOURAGED to draw on the walls. The culture promotes free expression. The caffeine-fueled company still hosts regular hackathons where programmers stay up late drinking, eating Chinese takeout, and developing their ideas which sometimes go live the next day. I am extremely impressed with this culture, and i’m hopeful that one day I can see it in person.

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