The App Store Chronicle

Travel Without Technology Really Sucks

Hey fellow nerds. I recently flew on Continental Airlines, and for the first time in years I was carrying neither my iphone, nor my Macbook Pro. The only technology I had was my ipod nano, and it was buried in my bag. To make things worse, I didn’t have my wallet to pay for TV because I left my wallet on the last plane and CO found it but refused to bring it to me (because it was too long of a walk for the workers).

 Since we were stranded on the plane through a two hour delay, and the free TV preview was 15 minutes long, I sat there for a good 2+ hours missing my iphone.

 Three of my four flights were delayed, and honestly I can’t comprehend how I survived without my phone in the past. Crazy. That’s my story. What is your travel nightmare? Leave the story in the comments section, and I’ll feature it in a future post on the same subject. In conclusion, Thank you to Continental for leaving us there for two hours while they failed at solving a mechanical problem without even giving us free TV while we waited. I asked the flight attendant, and he said it was automatic, and therefore not possible. Of course, he gave us free TV once we switched aircraft. I love the histeria of Travel. Goodbye and Good Riddens to Continental Airlines. See y’all later.

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