The App Store Chronicle

7 Little Known Factors That May Affect Your Google Search Rankings

Hello Fellow Nerds, Bloggers, and more. Are you having trouble getting good Google Rankings? Are you not listed. Let me help you fix those SEO problems quickly, freely, and in a respectable way.

First Let’s Talk about a few things that can screw up your search Rankings

How To Avoid Trouble:
  • Stick to only respectable providers of anything (Templates, Widgets, Ads, Domains, Hosting, Etc)
  • Don’t try to scam Google. Don’t fill your page with keywords. Don’t buy links. Google is filled with 10,000 employees that probably all aced their SATs. They aren’t stupid.
  • Get A Google Webmaster Account. This is a website owner’s best friend. It is free, and made by Google, and it allows you to submit sitemaps so that your content is crawled, troubleshoot issues and see when you are unlisted, and view how you are being found on Google.

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