The App Store Chronicle

Review: Netflix For iphone- Procrastinate on the go

Here is one great app. It’s buggy and slow and I love it.

 Before The Netflix App(Free but requires subscription) we had to go on the itunes app and buy movies and TV and wait for them to download over wifi. The Netflix App provides unlimited free movies and TV over 3G or Wifi. Of course you need to be a subscriber but for most it pays off.

With this app I have been able to feed my Law And Order addiction on the road. The app isn’t great for browsing and can be buggy at times but this app is great. It saves me time and money and effort.

That is why this is more of a 4 1/2 than a four but nevertheless we gave them : (4/5)
Great Job by Netflix but they do have some improvements they can and inevitably will make that will bring it up to five apples. Remember that our rating criteria is always available at the tab above. What do you think? Leave all of your questions and comments below.

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