Category: Google Plus

Google's self-driving car

Quiz: How Well Do You Know Google?

I see you, with your Android phone, and your Google watch, and your Google Glass. You think you know everything there is to know about Google. Well, prove it. Show what you know with our ultimate Google Trivia quiz. This quiz is meant to challenge even the most devoted Google fans. So give it a shot, and see how well you know Google. And...

google's 15th birthday piñata game

Google Turns 15: Next Year They Can Google Drive (Birthday Reflection)

Google has hit the big 1-5. Today, September 27th, is when Google traditionally celebrates its birthday, and we’re celebrating it right along with them, with a look back on year 14. These 15 things all happened within the last year. *Since you’ll find this article useful, sign up for our email newsletter, to find even more fascinating articles, tips, tools, and reviews* Google Unveiled...

google helpouts vs fiverr

Google Unveils “Helpouts” Video Consulting Marketplace – Guide

Studies show that 100% of people are good at something. Google is apparently looking to capitalize on that, with a new marketplace for selling your skills, called “Helpouts”. Google Helpouts allow you to make money by sharing your skills with those who’d like to learn, via their Hangout video chat software. Read on to find out what else Helpouts has in store, and leave...

Chromebook Pixel high-resolution display front

Chromebook Pixel is a Great Deal, And Here’s Why

At first glance, Google’s new Chromebook Pixel looks like a horrible deal. Weak Operating system, middle of the road hardware, and a $1300+ pricetag. I even ranted about the price here. But then I reevaluated all of the extras Google was throwing in, and although it’s expensive, it’s actually a good deal. Look at the breakdown below for yourself. Value Breakdown: Looking at the...